Alexander Schwedeler

With passion for these topics in particular:

Individual coaching & moderation of management teams

The power of being present and listening as well as working with images and thoughts that come after the conversations are essential for me. These replicas create effective development opportunities that I make available to the customer.

Inner development

I talk about my content in my podcast, leadership courses, lectures and in my book. The essence of my content is leadership and what inner development it takes. 

Team development

For me, leadership is how I lead myself in relation to myself and others. So me with myself and me with the others. In this respect, we are all leaders. Leadership in organizations is traditionally always in relation to others. That’s why it’s so easy to forget about self-leadership. But both are important: self-leadership and team leadership.

I'm very open to everything, I enjoy reading a lot and learning from others. As much as possible.

I combine over 30 years of business experience with lifelong learning on leadership, self-leadership and development.

I have the ability to innovate or develop new ideas and then use them to found a company that will last in the long term. This means that I can give up and let go - and then the company will continue to live without me.


Career - Alexander Schwedeler

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  • Studied economics at the Fernuni Hagen, graduated with a diploma in business administration
  • Fund manager for venture capital and private equity at Triodos Bank Netherlands 
  • Founding and development of the Triodos Bank Frankfurt branch as co-managing director
  • Founding and development of IMO China (consulting and leadership organization), in which many courses on leadership and personal development were given. Reached well over 1000 people there and supported them very personally.
  • Founder of several companies and organizations 
  • Member of various supervisory boards since 1990, some for over 20 years (e.g. Aarstiderne in Denmark)
  • Since 2014, companion and coach for managers and teams in medium-sized businesses
  • Over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience

Customer testimonials 
for collaboration

Participant in a further training course from Alexander
“The further training gave me the time to examine my own leadership style. It planted a seed of wanting to keep working on it. It gave me an awareness of the status and constant improvement.”

Participants of further training in Malaysia

"Thank you for holding empowering transformational space for us."

Participant in the training course “Leading with Heart”
"The “Leading with Heart” training led to a great deal of inner peace in myself, which after a short time gave rise to a harmonizing radiance felt by the entire team."


"Every new leadership book ends up with me. And books about self-development too."
Alexander Schwedeler

3 book recommendations

"The 7 habits of highly effective people" by Stephen R. Covey

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This book contains basic leadership topics. E.g. first try to understand the other person, then ask them to understand you. Or: Always make sure you are healthy, turn to yourself. Or: Concentrate on the essentials and learn to differentiate between what is essential and what is urgent.

"Real-Time Leadership" by David Noble und Carol Kauffmann

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Real-Time Leadership is based on a current study by Egon Zehnder, which shows for the first time that every change in the company must come from the CEO, the core team, and the top in order to have a chance of success. It contains many practical tips for successful leadership in challenging situations.

"Philosophy of Spiritual Activity" by Rudolf Steiner

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Think with your heart. Or also: combine heart qualities and head qualities with each other. A high degree of presentness and presence enables you to do the right thing at the right moment.

What is important to me

As a leader, I need empathy and heart, otherwise I cannot lead a relationship (or my team) well.

Alexander Schwedeler as human

Is approachable.

Has humor and depth.

With a lot of experience and knowledge.

Is creative.

Loves jazz improvisation on the piano. 
He also brings his ability to improvise into his work.